80% of software spend now takes place within the datacenter, so the need to manage and optimize license spend here is critical. However, the complexities of vendor licensing programs, different metrics and associated stipulations around installation, usage, editions, virtualization etc. make optimization easier said than done. This means that not only is your datacenter software licensing prone to non-compliance, but you are probably wasting huge amounts of money on unnecessary licenses.
Don’t sit back and wait until your annual submission is due and certainly don’t wait until a vendor comes knocking with a compulsory audit notice. By then it’s often too late. You need to get on the front foot and take control of your datacenter licensing before any of the big vendors come knocking at your door.
By maintaining licensing management and compliance throughout the year, this ensures that you are fully prepared in the event of your next audit and limits any nasty surprises.
Remember the licensing tools employed by vendors such as Oracle (LMS), SAP (SLAW and USMM) and IBM (ILMT, TAD4D, BigFix) are mainly designed to capture installation and usage data. They are point-in-time and don’t facilitate any refinement, with some often only providing information which benefits the vendor, rather than supporting you in achieving licensing optimization.
They aren’t SAM tools and certainly won’t help you optimize your licensing. To manage datacenter licensing you need specialist SAM tools designed for each environment and the different challenges they can all pose.
Being compliant simply means that you’re not under-licensed, but what about the unnecessary cost associated with being over-licensed or having installed software that isn’t used? Organizations waste millions every year paying for software licenses they simply aren’t using.
You need to ensure that purchased software is being used within your estate whilst taking in to consideration specific upgrade and downgrade rights.
Employing the services of specialist licensing consultancies can be extremely costly and only usually works for point-in-time requirements. They also tend to be heavily reliant on manual processes, which by definition are prone to error and vary in quality, dependent on the level of experience/expertise of the aligned individual.
You need a dynamic compliance view that can tell you the moment you are non-compliant. This ensures that you are able to make informed business decisions.
Many SAM vendors claim their tools are a ‘silver bullet’, but simply can’t deliver what they promise. Most available desktop or datacenter licensing optimization tools are based on legacy technology, lack automation, struggle to process large volumes of data and do not provide a centralises view.
This often leads to  problems with inaccuracy and unreliability. Ensure you test the tools which you are considering as this will give you a better idea of which tool fully suits your needs.
Establishing an ELP (effective licensing position) is just the start of SAM: it simply provides visibility and a foundation from which to begin the journey towards an optimized licensing position (OLP). Of course it’s then absolutely essential to ensure that the ELP and OLP are maintained to ensure you continue to realize all the benefits of controlled cost, minimised risk and enhanced management.
Achieving datacenter licensing optimization requires a combination of effective technology – in the form of a tool or tools – and process, in the form of services delivered by internal or external resource. Ideally you want a partner capable of offering both; however this is easier said than done. Toolset vendors tend to fall short when it comes to services and often rely on partners who don’t necessarily have an aligned agenda.
On the other hand, solution providers may offer the right services, but don’t use the right technology; hence they aren’t geared towards achieving a quick, accurate and value-for-money outcome. You need to look for a trusted partner offering a combination of highly-automated technology and services which conform to industry best practice and are executed by consultants who are experts in applying tools-based SAM to drive results of the highest quality.
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A simple health check of what's being used across your Office 365 estate in this FREE, Microsoft backed and easy to setup review.
Just like you would with your vehicle each year, get an annual check up of your software asset management programme.
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Concerned your SAM tools aren't covering your whole estate? Or on the look out for an entirely new tool? Get us in to assist.
Not content with covering all things SAM related, we've teamed up with Capital to provide a comprehensive hardware asset management review.
A simple, one-time reconciliation of the software you have deployed versus the licence entitlement you own.
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An add-on to our SAMplicity One, MOT and Plus offerings, quickly diagnose your ability to migrate your resources to the cloud.
In collaboration with law firm Addleshaw Goddard, ensure the legality of your SAM programme and get assistance with any contract disputes.
Available as standard with SAMplicity Plus, ensure you're compliant if you're unexpectedly audited by a vendor.
We've teamed up with some of the forefront experts in licensing knowledge so you can teach yourself to be an expert too.
Stumped by the continually evolving complexities of SAM? Join us for one of our comprehensive courses, either in-person or online.
It’s chock full of useful advice, exclusive events and interesting articles. Don’t miss out!