Demystifying Software Audits | 1st March 2023

Demystifying Software Audits | 1st March 2023

Join us for a day in London to understand the motivation behind software audits, and how to suitably manage the process when needed.

Is your business prepared for a software audit?

In the last 6-9 months, we’ve noticed a significant increase in software audit requests, which is often quite intimidating for businesses – causing a lot of stress; and can even lead to messy legal negotiations if you find yourself under the watchful eye of a vendor (or vendors).

Join us in association with Bechtle and Addleshaw Goddard as we demystify this often daunting audit prospect. Following on from the recent Audit Preparation webinar, this day of insight will arm you with the tools, knowledge and confidence to tackle software audits head on; from why you are even being audited in the first place, to helping you to reduce risk in the future.

When and where can you find us?

What's on the agenda?

This agenda is subject to change.

* Lunch is provided. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

Image Credit

Ali ArapoÄŸlu via Pexels

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