
Get your devices in check with our in-depth HAM review

Perfect for those who are:

Struggling to keep track of their estate's physical components

Wanting to reduce any unnecessary spend on equipment

Yep, we also offer a HAM service (no porkies!)

As a specialised SAM consultancy, our main focus is usually on the practices and processes of all things software. But software is nothing without the hardware it runs on; and it’s just as important to monitor the processes, tools and strategies related to the life cycle of these devices with an efficient hardware asset management (HAM) programme.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with leading hardware asset management firm Capital to offer our SAMplicity Hardware service – giving you an opportunity to complete the ITAM double by getting a handle on both your SAM and HAM programmes.

SAM + HAM = successful ITAM

We understand that keeping track of your entire IT estate can be not only expensive, but time consuming too. There are also multiple potential pitfalls when trying to keep track, especially if you have staff working at multiple sites or remotely. Often compounded by the scenario of this task falling to a team member who already has a separate dedicated role and as a result, your Hardware Asset Management may find itself being treated with minimal importance.

Our service gives you an accurate and a cost-effective resource for businesses who want to outsource this task. Whether you have a small system in place and aren’t sure of its accuracy or you’re simply struggling to keep up with changes within your estate, we’re here to help.

We provide you with the on-site physical and remote IT audits you need to keep a more thorough watch over your estate. Regardless of the size of your business, you’ll get an in-depth audit – capturing all required data and ensuring the most up-to-date and verified asset records.

Whatever the issue, we've got you covered

Save Time & Money
Did you know around 20% of the expenditure on hardware that businesses make is not needed?
Accurately Track Equipment
Many businesses are surprised to find out they've only got a record of 75% of their actual devices.
Minimise Downtime
We’ll identify any areas of weakness - where equipment may be diminishing or need replacing.

No pedalling uphill with our tried and tested life cycle







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