Despite new warnings, millions still use Windows 10 – and Microsoft isn’t surprised

Despite new warnings, millions still use Windows 10 – and Microsoft isn’t surprised

Recent stats show the OS still dominates when it comes to sheer user numbers, even with its fast approaching end of life date of October 2025.

Published on 19th June 2024

The world’s love affair with Windows 10 shows no signs of stopping – that’s despite Microsoft warning that it will end all support for the operating system from October 2025. Once that fast-approaching deadline arrives, those still using this ageing platform will no longer get vital upgrades and security patches aimed at keeping PCs safe.

Although most Windows 10 users are now well aware of the issues of sticking with this software, millions still aren’t making the move to Windows 11 with recent stats showing Windows 10 still dominates when it comes to sheer user numbers.

Although Windows 11 adoption rates might appear sluggish, Microsoft isn’t concerned about the amount of PCs that haven’t yet made the switch.

“It doesn’t surprise me,” said Aaron Woodman, Vice President, Windows Marketing at Microsoft, when quizzed about Windows 10 user numbers.

“We had a bunch of customers on Windows 7 even after we launched Windows 10, until the end of support date for Windows 7. We’re actually ahead of the Windows 7 to Windows 10 transition.”

Along with past figures showing how many users simply wait until the last minute to move operating systems, the fact that so many people remain with Windows 10 is a testament to how good it is, Woodman explained.

“If you look at Windows 10 I think it’s quite unique in the sense that it took a significant leap in its performance and more importantly, its durability and its capability of running PCs.

“Windows 10 moved the hardware floor and that’s really the big difference between Windows 7 transition to Windows 10.”

Woodman also said that a lot of customers have already bought devices that are ready for Windows 11 and are preparing to switch before October’s deadline.

“Every company I’ve talked to has plans to move off of Windows 10 into Windows 11 at or before or afterwards using the extended support agreements we have,” Woodman said.

Although the stats clearly show that millions remain addicted to Windows 10 the figures do vary from country to country.

“It’s different depending on the country,” Woodman explained. “Developed countries have moved overwhelmingly to Windows 11 but you have places that have different socioeconomic classes and places like China, that have very long duration where you have PCs that get handed down and resold at a level that we don’t really see in the developed markets.

“You still see Windows 7 and Windows XP running in China as an example – so they just have different life cycles.”


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