How to Quickly Discover Areas of IT Overspend & Risk Webinar with License Dashboard | 20th July 2020

How to Quickly Discover Areas of IT Overspend & Risk Webinar with License Dashboard | 20th July 2020

In collaboration with our long term partners, we're offering a FREE health check to identify areas of risk and overspend.

During uncertain times it can be easy to overlook the software utilised across your organisation, which leaves you with security and non-compliance risks as well a high likelihood of IT overspend.

We have partnered with License Dashboard to provide a free IT health check – a ‘Check-IT’ promotion, giving you the opportunity to take the first steps to identifying those areas of risk and overspend.

With our combined assistance, we can provide the opportunity to optimise and mitigate areas of your software spend with the following benefits:

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Elevate Digital via Pexels

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